While it may be difficult to perceive, the Internet is a vast communication center for over 86 percent of the populated world connecting the busiest cities to villages of only four or five people and considering the mass amount of business transactions that take place as well as social media interactions and just general communication.

Who Owns the Internet?

 It stands to reason that the Internet as a whole would have some sort of centralizing downer keeping everything running, whether it be a government or a corporation or pay even a team of really devoted Internet Elves but the question is who owns the Internet, is likely more fascinating than you ever expected.

 To break down internet ownership you have to look at it in specific terms as it stands the force that is the World Wide Web as in the massive broadest definition of the Internet as a functioning connecting entity filled to the brim within formation does not have a singular owner this has obvious benefits in that it ultimately keeps the idea of internet usage free to everyone without prejudice but it also makes a few things a bit more difficult for one the competitive market for internet ownership, sometimes has difficulty not lining up with the country's specified politics.

 The United States, for instance, has internet that is run by specialized companies who charge for set up usage connectivity and data these are companies known as Internet service providers like AT&T Sprint or Verizon other countries like China have strict regulations and censorship laws to their internet providers in order to stay on good terms with the Chinese government on an even smaller scale we find cable and DSL companies which exists to connect you the consumer to an Internet provider such as AT&T Sprint or Verizon these are companies like Time Warner Cable or spectrum and are the people that you generally call up and yell at when your internet isn't working that's the basic structure of the internet with tips or internet exchange points that connect and intertwine some of the larger businesses in order to make sure there's full coverage.

 And yes that means lots of big money trading hands and very secretive deals so if those are the companies that effectively own the Internet who is responsible for regulating it for that we turn to a number of organizations and entities that function both privately and publicly on an international scale to make sure that the internet as a whole functions properly these agencies such as the Internet Engineering Task Force or the internet architecture board each fulfill a specific duty that specializes in internet security or managing the basic structure of websites and online traffic in a world where hackers and cyber terrorists continue to be a growing threat with literal millions of attacks daily these organizations help more local agencies like the FBI track down and neutralize the cyber attacks so the next time you're thinking about the endless corners of the universe and you're curious just who is behind the strings and just how they make their profit know that the world has effectively come together to provide one of the greatest services possible and the people making a profit off of the Internet's maintenance can never officially own it.

This is the real thing behind the ownership of the internet, Thank you...!

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